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True Faith Church 

California State University,Sacramento
University of California Davis

"Go in peace" 

"Do you experience inner peace? If not, consider taking steps to attain it.

How? Jesus Christ can assist you in finding true inner peace. Is this feasible?

Absolutely. What approach should be employed? The answer lies in a 'magical touch.' A 'magical touch'? Yes, it involves a mystical utterance when Jesus touches your soul."

Knowing Jesus Christ

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"Do you truly understand your identity?

I'm referring to your soul's perspective.

You recognize that you are not merely a human being but rather a person with a soul.

Can you perceive your soul deep within?

If you cannot see it, then you may need to delve into the Bible.

Perhaps you can sense it, but it feels troubled? In that case, you require a Bible study focused on the salvation of the soul.

I understand that you have studied the Bible in the past.

However, it seems that your previous Bible knowledge has only resulted in intellectual understanding, which proves inadequate in times of adversity. Why is this the case? Why can't you apply your Bible knowledge to overcome life's challenges? When Bible knowledge merely resides in your mind, it remains superficial. Yet, when it penetrates your soul, the lessons from Scripture can transform your life. This is what we call 'living by faith.' Yes, it's faith that brings about change within you. You need faith, but remember that faith itself is a gift from God.

Here's the real reason why studying the Bible is essential for acquiring faith, even though it's a gift.

Please contact Pastor Peter at 916-955-3657 to schedule an appointment."

LATEST Sermons

By Pastor Peter 

Jan 31 2025
Nov 10,  2024
June 16,  2024

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True Faith Church
                                   University of California Davis
                                   California State University,Sacramento



3301 North Park Drive #1916

Sacramento CA 95835

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